Roaming Wild Rosie

Walking Around Tasmania

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Walking around Tasmania was my first long distance hike, in which I circumnavigated Tasmania. The route was constructed from trails, beaches, dirt roads and some unavoidable highway sections. I began the hike in Hobart, walking anti-clockwise, up the eastern coast and circling all the way back. It became a 2.5 month journey where I walked 1,600 kilometres around the whole island. I met amazing people, spent a lot of nights terrified alone my tent, and trudged through impossible amounts of mud in the Southwest National Park.

I’ve written blogs about everything that happened, which you can find below. I even appeared in Glamour magazine where I wrote about the experience! Despite the fear and constant physical pain, this journey propelled me into the life of a long distance hiker.

Start date + point: 22 October 2016, Hobart
Finish date + point: 4 January 2017, Hobart
Total distance walked: 1,604 km / 996.7 mi
Total days: 75
Walking days: 58
Zero days: 17
Max distance in one day: 57 km / 35.4 mi
Average distance per day: 27.7 km / 17.2 mi

Longest period without shower: 14 days
Nr of tent attacks by wildlife: 1, possibly 2
Cutest animal seen: Echidna
Cutest animal seen dead only: Wombat
Scariest animal seen: Cows (yes, cows)
What I won’t miss: Mud; The smell of roadkill
What I will remember: Mud; Unexpected kindness of people; White sand beaches


Woop! I’m in GLAMOUR!


Walking around Tasmania (part 1) : Prologue

Walking around Tasmania (part 2) : Leaving Hobart and up the East Coast

Walking around Tasmania (part 3) : Along the North Coast

Walking around Tasmania (part 4) : Down the (Wild) West Coast

Walking around Tasmania (part 5) : The Port Davey Track

Walking around Tasmania (part 6) : South Coast Track


Walking around Tasmania (part 7) : The Hike, Facts and Thoughts

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